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Rideau Ferry Vintage Race Boat Regatta
From Friday 19 August 2011
To Sunday 21 August 2011
Hits : 5580
by Anonymous
Contact 613-283-9107
Greetings Vintage Race Boat Owners and Enthusiasts.

The Rideau Ferry Yacht Club welcomes all to come and join us once again at the Rideau Ferry Vintage Race Boat Regatta 2011.
On the weekend of August 19th, 20th & 21st, 2011, people within Rideau Lakes region, and beyond will be witness once again to Canada's largest Vintage Race Boat Regatta.
This event has rapidly gained the reputation of being one of the most spectacular displays and demonstrations of historic race boats and boat racing along the shores of the beautiful Rideau Lakes.

After the overwhelming success of the RFYC100th Anniversary Vintage Regatta in 2009, the Canadian Boating Federation (CBF) created a "Vintage and Historic Division" within the charter of the organization.

The opportunity for vintage race boat enthusiasts to get involved north of the border is now a homegrown reality. It goes without saying that the tremendous support from the APBA Vintage & Historic members has been, and is key to the growth of this sport in North America.

That being said, the RFYC would like to extend a personal invitation to all APBA & CBF Vintage members to come and join us this summer, support the cause and have some fun.

Enjoy the beauty of the Rideau Lakes Region and the down-home hospitality we have to offer.

All classes of inboard and outboard boats are welcome (we would like to see a few more outboards in the line-up this year if possible!)

Attached please find our 2011 Registration Form with additional info regarding directions and places to stay.

(The Maple Crest Cabins & Motel in Rideau Ferry and the Code's Mill in Perth are now fully occupied.)

There are still many other places to stay in both Perth and Smith's Falls (see attached). Also mention that you are with the RF Regatta when booking accommodations.

If anyone is having difficulty finding accommodations, please give me a call and we'll get you in touch where there is availability, (613-283-9107).

Please register prior to July 15th as coordination of these events gets somewhat hectic as we get closer to the date.

Space is limited, once the venue is full late applicants may not be accepted.

Hope to see you there!!!!


Scott Cameron,
Event Coordinator, RFYC

Location Rideau Lakes region, Canada


Please consider supporting our efforts.

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